In Another Life is a short film directed by Jacob Hotaling. Sometimes life doesn’t go the way we want it, and takes someone that we love so dearly away from us. To make the choice to continue on and have another chance at love takes a lot of gut, especially when you have so many beautiful moments with one another (the good and the bad).
Jake’s Favorite Shots
Director/Cinematographer – Jacob Hotaling @jkhotaling/@jakehotalingproductions Cast Ethan Rhoad – @ethan77rhoad
Sydney Powers – @sydneympowers
Alex Vargas – @varg8s
Featured Music: I Hear a Symphony – Cody Fry
About “In Another Lifetime”
What began as a simply final assignment for my short film class progressed to something so much more, something so special. I’ve already been working with Ethan & Sydney on our upcoming short film, Dragonfly Boy, and I was exceptionally enthusiastic to work with them on this. “I Hear a Symphony” is one of my favorite songs of all time and is truly such a beautiful piece. As someone who tends to write a lot about romance and death (and most of the time together) this was another amazing project for me to do. We fortunately were able to film all of the shots within four hours, and then after four hours of editing, our creation was made. Can’t wait to see these two on the big screen soon and to keep working with them more!