Ever Since August is a low- budget short film following the relationship between Sophie Isles and her drug-addicted boyfriend, August Ambers. This film was directed, written, shot by, and edited by Jake Hotaling. This film features original music produced, written and performed by Griffin Hochheiser, Anna Sheppard and Shelby Page.
Jake’s Favorite Shots
Story, Produced, and Directed by Jacob Hotaling (@jkhotaling) Director of Photography – Jacob Hotaling
Editor – Jacob Hotaling
Senior year was a lot. Classes, Capstone, working, and creating such a beautiful piece with a crew that was all doing the same. Following up after Dragonfly Boy, which I made almost a year ago, it’s been a wild ride. This film was originally beginning as my capstone, but hit a strong lull that set it back almost four months. This was a blessing in disguise as I was able to rework the script and make sure it was strong for production. Although we battled with limited budget resources yet again, I still feel strong about the film I present. Having Griffin along for an original score also brought so much life to the film, I am very grateful.