Mess With the Mistress is a short film Created and Directed by Jacob Hotaling. The story of a woman who was so eagerly excited for her date, but when she returns to her apartment after she is covered with blood and bruises. What happened?
Directed and Shot by Jacob Hotaling (@jkhotaling) Produced by Kaylee Domigan (@kdomigan)
Starring Caroline Regis (@caroline28claire)
With help from Rooster Cardin (@roostercardin)
About “Mess with the Mistress”
Mess with the Mistress was my first short film I’ve ever created! At the time, I was still studying Psychology (my third time changing my major!) but I’ve already been creating videos with my canon. One of the things that inspires me the most is music, and I love imagining scenes inside of my brain whenever I hear any song. The two songs chosen in the short film were my “week obsession” at the time, and since Halloween was coming up, I decided to create a short film. I grabbed some friends, grabbed my canon, and just went CRAZY. We had an absolute blast and I enjoyed the process so much that I was inspired to pull the trigger and study/pursue what I’m so passionate about today!